


The concentration in music requires a minimum of 40 credit hours, which includes the fine arts core requirement.

Choose 3 credits from: 

Course Code
Sub-Total Hours

Choose 12 hours of Applied Music (four hours of a primary ensemble, four hours of 300-level lessons and four hours of 400-level lessons);

Course Code
Sub-Total Hours

Prior to registration for 300-level lessons, all students declaring a concentration in music are required to pass a Music Department juried audition, typically taken at the end of the sophomore year. The quality of the performance and an established record of progress in studio lessons and juries at the 200 level will be determining factors for successful advancement to 300-level lessons. Every semester, students majoring in music or intending to major in music must participate in the appropriate ensemble and enroll in private study on their primary instrument/voice.

Senior Recital/Project

During the senior year of study, as an extension of the 400 level of private study, students majoring in music are required to present a full recital on their major instrument/voice or a half recital and a project. The project may be in the areas of music theory, music history, music pedagogy, music composition or conducting. During the second jury of the 300 level of lessons, the music faculty will either approve a full recital or recommend the half recital/project option. If the second option is appropriate, then the student, with the advice of a faculty supervisor, will present a proposal for the project that will be due by the end of the first three weeks of the following semester. The project will be due no later than the end of classes during the semester in which a student will graduate.

Total Credits