PHY 480: Research in Magnetism

Class Program
Credits 1
Session Cycle
Yearly Cycle
Odd Year

This course involves an introduction to the magnetism of metals and alloys and magnetic impurities in these systems. In the first semester, 480, theoretical and experimental ideas in the areas of magnetism, condensed matter physics, low-temperature physics, and vacuum science will be discussed and demonstrated. The class will then carry out an experimental procedure for one alloy.  Research based on the theory and procedures learned in this class may be used for student research by taking PHY 481-3 below or with other arrangements.  This research is supported by an 8-Tesla superconducting magnet, a microbalance (0.1 micrograms), a low-temperature cryostat (3.8-300K), a helium leak detector, and high-vacuum equipment. A machine shop and other departmental equipment support the research. (One course chosen from PHY 470, 471, 472, or 480 is required for the major.)

Prerequisite Courses