A major in Theatre consists of at least 31 hours of course credits chosen with respect to the following guidelines.
Required Courses
Every student who wishes to emphasize theatre studies within the Theatre and Dance Department must take a “Theatre Core” consisting of the following courses within the major. Although not strictly required in every case, it is strongly recommended that students complete the Theatre Core Practical Essentials classes before moving to Upper Division classes.
Theatre Core: Practical Essentials
Theatre Core: History
Note: With permission of the Chair, a course in the History Core may be substituted with a course from The Developing Historian (below; the course cannot be used for both sections).
The remaining 10 hours of course work toward the major should be chosen to reflect the student’s particular interest and emphasis within the general study of Theatre. The student should consult with department faculty and advisors in making the best choices. The following guidelines and requirements apply. To aid in course selection, the classes have been grouped by type, rather than by strict course number.
Upper Division: The Developing Historian
Select one course from:
Upper Division: The Developing Artist
This course will decide the direction of and serve as a prerequisite to the Senior Project.
Select one course from:
*Dance 220 students must take an additional one-credit course in Dance Technique.
Upper Division: The Maturing Artist
This course will continue the direction of and serve as a prerequisite to the Senior Project.
Select one course from:
*Dance 320 students must take an additional one-credit course in Dance Technique.
Upper Division: Capstone (1 course, 1 hour)
Other Requirements
Each student majoring in theatre must work backstage in a significant capacity on at least two Department Productions.