Special Requirements
For native speakers of English, competency in French, German, Spanish, Greek, or Latin is required for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Students demonstrate competency only by successful completion of 201 (or a higher level, three-credit course) in one of these languages, taken on the Hillsdale campus.
Students who arrive with prior competency in any of the above languages are required to take the Hillsdale College placement test in that language. A student’s competency, as determined exclusively by the Hillsdale College placement test, determines the level at which they are permitted to begin study. Students are not permitted to begin study beyond the 101 level without having first taken the placement test, or having obtained Departmental approval. A student who places at or above the 201 level must still take 201 or a higher three-credit course on the Hillsdale campus to satisfy the Bachelor of Arts degree language requirement. No student may fulfill the language requirement by means of the placement exam alone.
If a student has more than four hours of Advanced Placement credit in French, German, or Spanish, or if a student has transferred or is expected to transfer more than four hours of French, German, or Spanish credit from another institution, said student is NOT eligible to take the CLEP exam in the corresponding language for credit. (See page 27 for more information.)
Satisfactory completion of two semesters of the Great Books sequence (English 104 and 105) fulfills the Bachelor of Arts requirement for students from non-English-speaking cultures who possess literary competence in their native tongue. All international students must enroll in English 104 and English 105 as prescribed by the Catalog. No international student will be permitted to delay the English 104-105 sequence.