Recognition for Academic Achievement


Soon after the close of each semester, the College publishes the names of those full-time students who earned a semester average of 3.400 or better. 

Graduation Honors


Candidates for scholastic honors at the end of the senior year are recognized at Commencement. To be eligible for graduation with scholastic honors, a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours of work at Hillsdale College.

A student obtaining a grade-point average of 3.800 in at least 124 hours of work is eligible to receive a diploma summa cum laude.

A student obtaining a grade-point average of 3.600 in at least 124 hours of work is eligible to receive a diploma magna cum laude.

A student obtaining a grade-point average of 3.400 in at least 124 hours of work is eligible to receive a diploma cum laude. 

Honorary Societies


This national marketing honorary selects for membership senior marketing/management majors holding a minimum overall grade-point average of 3.25. The Alpha Mu Alpha faculty coordinator nominates marketing students who meet the academic standards approved by the American Marketing Association board of directors.


This national dramatics honorary recognizes students for their contributions to the College theatre program. Members have demonstrated their dedication to the creation of theatre of the highest quality in a number of productions sponsored by the Tower Players. 


provides an environment for artists seeking to develop their skills, diligence, and creativity. The honorary’s goal is to strengthen Hillsdale’s art community and motivate students in their work by running events and contests including the Alpha Rho Tau art show, Artist of the Month competitions, faculty panel discussions, open drawing sessions with live models, and other workshops. Applicants must have taken or be currently enrolled in one art studio or art history class at the time of initiation (beginning of spring semester). Members must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and consistently meet the honorary requirements pertaining to personal art production and attendance of Art Department/Alpha Rho Tau events.


This national biological society, particularly for undergraduates, is dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Its program is threefold: stimulation of scholarship, dissemination of scientific knowledge and promotion of biological research. Qualifications for regular membership will include a biology major with 12 hours of biology credit above the 100 level and a 3.0 grade-point average or above in all biology courses. Undergraduates eligible for associate membership include students with a declared biology major and a grade-point average of 2.5-3.0 in all biology courses; students with 12 hours of biology credit and a grade-point average of 3.0 or above in all biology courses who have not declared a major; and students with a biology minor and a grade-point average of 2.5 or above in all biology courses.


The national German honorary, Delta Phi Alpha, recognizes excellence in the study of German. Membership requirements include: three semesters of college German or its equivalent, intent to continue study of German, B+ average in all German courses taken, and a 3.0 overall grade-point average.


This local honorary is the American Studies honorary. Founded in 1992 for American Studies majors and minors, Delta Pi Nu encourages campus involvement to promote American ideals. Membership requirements include completion of two “Gateway” core courses (Politics 101 and IDS 300) and an overall grade-point average of 3.0.


is the national classical languages honorary. Founded in 1914 by students at the University of Chicago and united with a similar organization at Northwestern University, in 1924 the society became national, and chapters were organized at leading colleges and universities. Hillsdale’s Eta Delta chapter was founded in 1996. The honorary promotes interest in and understanding of the Greco-Roman tradition through Latin teaching at a local charter school, reading marathons, invited lecturers, spoken Greek and Latin tables, and more. Students must have taken language courses in either Greek or Latin and must have at least a 3.0 in their classical languages coursework.


This is a national honorary society for women majoring in chemistry or a closely related field. The goal of this honorary is to encourage the advancement of women and their interest in the field of chemistry. Students must achieve a grade-point average of a 3.5 in four semesters or an average of a 3.0 in six semesters of chemistry with an overall academic grade-point average of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 system.


Founded in 1931, Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national mathematics honor society for undergraduates. Kappa Mu Epsilon seeks to further the interests of mathematics and help undergraduates and society at large understand the importance and beauty of mathematics. Membership in the Michigan Delta chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon is restricted to students who have completed three semesters of college mathematics at the level of calculus or higher, have achieved at least a “B” average in all college mathematics courses and are ranked in the top 35 percent of their class. 


This national communication honorary was established under the auspices of the National Communication Association in 1984. It recognizes academic excellence in communication at the undergraduate level. Its mission is fourfold: recognition and fostering of scholastic achievement; stimulation of interest in communication as an academic discipline; provision of a forum to exchange ideas; and the establishment and maintenance of relationships between faculty and students. Membership qualifications include the completion of 60 credit hours at the undergraduate level, including completion of 12 credits in rhetoric and public address, journalism, or a related discipline (as approved by the faculty), an overall grade-point average of 3.0, a minimum grade-point average of 3.25 in all rhetoric/communication courses, and status in the top 35 percent of the junior academic class. Lambda Pi Eta members regularly lend their service to Hillsdale Academy in a variety of capacities and support the BCSI read-aloud project. 


Organized in 1949 at Hillsdale College, Lamplighters honors eight senior women who have distinguished themselves through high standards of scholarship, character, leadership, and service to the College and community. Lamplighters recognizes women whose academic work through the sophomore year is meritorious of Latin honors at an annual tea and presents the sophomore woman obtaining the highest grade-point average with an accolade at the annual Honors Assembly in the spring semester.


This men’s music fraternity, an independent organization unique to Hillsdale College, aims to further the musical development and virtue of its members, and to provide Hillsdale College and the community with music. Its members perform at several events throughout the school year.


The Beta Rho Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa is the Hillsdale College chapter of the national leadership and service honorary that recognizes and encourages a well-rounded combination of superior scholarship, leadership, and exemplary character. Ten outstanding rising seniors are tapped and inducted each year. These students carry out service projects during their senior year, both at the College and in the community at large. At the spring honors convocation, a member of the Senior Circle is publicly recognized as the David S. Nicholson Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Scholarship in recognition of achievement that is outstanding even among his or her Omicron Delta Kappa peers.


Founded in 1921, this international history honorary has as its purpose the recognition and encouragement of excellence in the study of history. To be eligible for election to membership, a student must have completed 12 semester hours in history with a grade-point average of 3.4 or better, and must have a grade-point average of 3.3 in the remainder of his or her academic work.


is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most selective all-discipline honor society. The Society’s mission is to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others. Juniors in the top 7.5 percent of their class, and seniors and graduate students in the top 10 percent, are invited annually. 


founded in 1898, is the world’s oldest and largest fraternal society in music. The object of the fraternity is the development of the best and truest fraternal spirit, the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students, the advancement of music in America, and a loyalty to the alma mater. Since its founding in 1965, the Nu Upsilon chapter has worked to advance this mission on Hillsdale’s campus and in the surrounding community by hosting musical events, putting on musical performances, and supporting the Music Department. Phi Mu Alpha’s activities include hosting Battle of the Bands, where student bands compete for an annual charity prize awarded by faculty judges and audience vote, and Coffeehouse, casual performance nights open to the general student body. Sinfonians also hold semesterly concerts, serenade the women’s dormitories, sing to residents at a local retirement home, and hold various charity fundraisers throughout the year.


philosophy honorary serves to award distinction to students having high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy; to promote student interest in research and advanced study in this field; to provide opportunities for the publication of student research papers of merit; to encourage a professional spirit and friendship among those who have displayed marked ability in this field; and to popularize interest in philosophy among the general collegiate public. Students are eligible for membership if they have an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or higher and have completed at least two semesters in philosophy, with at least a “B” average in these classes. 


A national French honorary, Pi Delta Phi seeks to promote excellence in the study of French literature, language, and culture. Membership requirements include at least second-semester sophomore status, attainment of a 3.0 grade-point average in French courses and a 2.75 overall grade-point average, and enrollment in a course equivalent to the fourth semester of French at Hillsdale (300, 302, or an upper-level class). 


is an honorary consisting of educators, students, and alumni that cultivates articulate citizenship; supports comprehensive approaches to forensics pedagogy and practice; encourages the creation of professional development opportunities for forensic educators; and seeks to expand access to intercollegiate speech and debate activities. Pi Kappa Delta supports all speech and debate events, forms, and formats. The honorary is affiliated with its high school counterpart, the National Forensics League, further supporting its educational and community service endeavors. Pi Kappa Delta is founded to forward “the Art of Persuasion, Beautiful and Just.” Locally, members volunteer with poetry recitations at Hillsdale Academy, assist with the Academy’s all-school public speaking competition, The Edward Everett Prize in Oratory, and have served as judges for homeschool forensics and debate tournaments, both on and off campus. Students who participate in one semester of collegiate debate, forensics, or mock trial are invited to join and continue to maintain standards of excellence in the art of rhetoric. The debate team participates in the Pi Kappa Delta national tournament regularly. 


was founded in 1920 by the American Political Science Association. The honorary brings together students and faculty interested in the study of government and politics and to stimulate scholarship and intelligent interest in political matters. The honorary does so through panels, events, speakers, and other means of stimulating discussion and interest in the perpetual questions of politics. Requirements are ten semester hours of work in politics, placement in the top 25 percent of one’s class (by matriculation), and a 3.7 grade-point average in courses within the Politics Department.


This International Honor Society in Psychology was founded in 1929 with a mission to encourage excellence in scholarship and advance the science of psychology. Membership is open to all students who are majoring in psychology or sport psychology or minoring in psychology. Requirements include at least nine completed semester hours in psychology over at least three semesters with a minimum 3.0 grade-point average for psychology courses and a cumulative grade-point average that is in the top 35 percent of their class (e.g., sophomore, junior, or senior).


is an international music fraternity for women founded in 1903 at the University of Michigan. Its membership is open to both Greek and independent collegiate women. Hillsdale’s Sigma Mu chapter was founded in 1925. Its mission is to encourage, nurture and support the art of music. Its purposes are to foster interest in music and to promote interaction among people who share a commitment to music. In addition to personal encouragement and support, members may receive scholarships, loans and awards in many areas and at all levels of music-related study. Members are required to attend weekly chapter meetings, serve on a committee, and must either perform in the SAI concert or perform a musicale at a chapter meeting. Members also assist with fundraisers and service projects, such as the annual Charity Ball, and the upkeep of the SAI house. Qualifications for membership include: (1) completion of one or more academic semesters, including one or more music courses (first-semester freshmen and first-semester transfer students are required to wait one semester to join); (2) a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.8, and a music grade-point average of 3.0.


The purposes of this society shall be to encourage and recognize scholarship and accomplishment among students of business, management and administration; and to encourage and promote aspirations toward personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. It is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes (this is a faculty-driven honorary).


This national Spanish honorary recognizes those who seek to attain excellence in the study of the language, literature, and culture of Spain and Latin America. Requirements: at least a B- in a literature or a civilization and culture course offered by the Hillsdale College Spanish Department and a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 in all Spanish courses taken. The candidate must also rank in the top 35 percent of his or her class (or have a 3.2 minimum grade-point average) and must have completed at least t hree semesters of college work.


This national honor society for physics has more than 400 active chapters. One purpose of Sigma Pi Sigma is to encourage and recognize high scholarship and achievement in physics. Sigma Pi Sigma uses common interests in physics to build fellowship among members. Another goal is that of service, so that members will help others who are striving to learn physics. Qualifications for membership are (1) a standing in the top third of the applicant’s college class; (2) 36 or more hours of college credit; (3) completion of three physics classes required for the major; and (4) a grade-point average of 3.0 or greater in physics classes. Sigma Pi Sigma is the honor society part of the more general organization, Student Physics Society (SPS). 


Founded in 1925, Sigma Zeta is a national science and mathematics honorary. The purposes of the society are (1) to encourage and foster the attainment of a knowledge of the sciences, and (2) to recognize the attainment of high scholarship among members. To be eligible for election to membership in the Alpha Psi chapter, a student must have completed 25 semester hours with an average of at least 3.0, have completed a minimum of 15 semester hours in the sciences with at least a 3.0 grade-point average, and have a science or mathematics major (including pre-med). 


This is the national honor society for academic studies in religion and/or theology, and it exists to encourage, recognize and maintain excellence in such studies within baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate degree programs and within the broader academic profession.