Hillsdale’s pre-law program has four elements: 1) a pre-law advisor (Dr. Nathan Schlueter) who helps advise students on law school and the legal profession; 2) a one-hour course (Law and Society), taught every fall, which helps students discern whether to attend law school and prepares them for the application process; 3) a pre-law club, affiliated with The Federalist Society, which hosts regular events and guest lectures on law and the legal profession; and 4) academic courses on the law, including Constitutional Law, Constitutional History, and Business Law.
Hillsdale does not offer a preprofessional degree in law or a pre-law curriculum, nor do law schools look for such students. Rather, law schools are looking for students who are bright, curious, mature, independent, and ethical. They also want students who can read and interpret difficult texts with care, discover and apply principles, and write clearly and concisely. Hillsdale’s liberal arts education, therefore, is an excellent preparation for law school.
Every year, Hillsdale students from a wide variety of majors (economics, physics, history, English, etc.) are admitted to top ten law schools. Students with questions about law school should contact the pre-law advisor, Dr. Nathan Schlueter.