Early Admission
Candidates earning a high school diploma before the completion of a full four years of secondary school will be considered for admission on the same basis as others. Only candidates of exceptional qualifications will be granted admission before receiving a high school diploma, and then only with the written recommendation and consent of the secondary school concerned. Students must be at least sixteen (16) years of age by the time they enroll at Hillsdale College.
Transfer Candidates
Students who wish to transfer to Hillsdale College from another college or university must submit the application and all supporting documents. In addition, they must also submit (1) the Dean of Students Transfer Form, completed by the dean of students at their current school, and (2) all official transcripts from any and all colleges previously attended. Applications of transfer candidates for fall and spring semesters are evaluated in a manner similar to the process of non-transfers, with no specific criterion assuring acceptance or rejection. Attention is given to the strength of the academic program and to the length and success in the student’s coursework.
Once admitted to Hillsdale, a transfer student can expect to receive an evaluation of transfer credits as determined by the registrar. Credits must be earned at a regionally accredited American collegiate institution in order to be transferrable to Hillsdale. Regional accreditation must be through one of the following accrediting bodies in order to be recognized: Middle States Association, New England Association, Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association,
Northwest Association, Southern Association and Western Association. Courses with a grade below C- and courses not considered liberal arts in nature are not transferrable.
It is not the usual practice of the College to accept for transfer a candidate who has been asked to withdraw from another institution. Withholding this information by the candidate is considered improper and grounds for dismissal. Likewise, the transfer candidate is expected to indicate any and all colleges previously attended.
Guest Students
Students in good standing at another college or university who plan to return to that institution may enroll at Hillsdale College as a guest student after submitting a guest application with the Admissions Office. Guest students may enroll for a full-time course load for no more than two consecutive semesters. Access to the guest student application can be secured by emailing the Admissions Office at admissions@hillsdale.edu.
Veteran and Adult Students
The usual criteria for admission may be modified in the case of veterans or returning adults, provided there is evidence to indicate that these applicants are otherwise qualified to pursue rigorous studies at the college level. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of CEEB is suggested for students seeking credit and placement on the basis of experience rather than formal study. In addition to the two academic letters of recommendation, veterans are required to submit the (1) Commanding Officer Endorsement, and (2) last two performance evaluations. For scholarship consideration, a veteran must interview with an admissions representative and Hillsdale College veteran staff/faculty.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
Permission is granted to a limited number of students, usually adults not in residence, to enroll for fewer than the minimum number of credit hours carried by a regular student. These students pay the per-credit-hour tuition fee and enroll for no more than 11 hours of coursework for two consecutive semesters. Non-degree-seeking applicants are ineligible for academic scholarship and/or need-based financial assistance. Access to the non-degree seeking application can be secured by emailing the Admissions Office at admissions@hillsdale.edu.
Auditing Students
Permission is granted to a limited number of students to audit courses without earning credit. These students are eligible to audit two courses per semester for no more than two consecutive semesters. Access to the audit application can be secured by emailing the Admissions Office at admissions@hillsdale.edu.