Class Registration General Rules

Students register for classes according to their official Hillsdale start term; that is, their first regular semester of enrollment as a full-time, degree-seeking student. Thus, a student who started in Fall 2022 will register with all other students who started in Fall 2022. Priority for registration is based on seniority, again, according to start term. Students with greater seniority register first. For example, students who started in Fall 2022 will register before students who started in Fall 2023. Transfer students’ number of completed, full-time, regular semesters as a degree-seeking student at prior, accredited colleges will be counted for the purpose of determining their Hillsdale registration start term. Non-degree-seeking students will register after all regular, degree-seeking students.

If a student experiences a break in enrollment of two or more regular semesters, their registration start term will be adjusted accordingly. Students register for Summer and Fall semester classes during April of the preceding Spring term. Registration for Spring semester classes occurs during November of the preceding Fall term.

Once classes begin, students must use Add and Drop cards to make schedule changes. Add and Drop cards have a seven (7) day expiration from the time of pick-up in the Registrar’s Office. To be considered complete, an Add or Drop card must include the student’s ID number, name, signature, and relevant course information. The signature of the instructor is always required. Freshmen students must obtain the signature of their academic advisor on any add/drop card. For other students, the advisor’s signature is needed only if the course is 3 or more credits.

Once a course section has reached its maximum enrollment, a student may request special consideration from the instructor. If approved, the instructor will direct the Registrar’s Office to register the student.


Once classes begin, a student may add a course to their schedule by completing the prescribed procedure; that is, by submitting a completed Add card. There is no specific deadline for adding a course; such is at the discretion of the instructor. Generally, after two weeks of classes, it becomes too difficult for a student to catch up on missed work, so the instructor may prohibit enrollment.


Once classes begin, a student may officially withdraw from (i.e., “drop”) a course, provided he initiates such action in the Registrar’s Office and completes the prescribed procedure.

Fall and Spring Semesters: A course dropped before the beginning of the fourth week of the semester will not appear on the student’s permanent record. A course dropped after the start of the fourth week but before the beginning of the seventh week of the semester will be assigned a “W” (Withdrawn) grade. After the beginning of the seventh week, a dropped course will be assigned an “F” (Failing) grade.

Three-Week Summer Terms: A course dropped within the first three class days of a summer term will not appear on the student’s permanent record. A course dropped on the fourth day but before the seventh day will be assigned a “W” (Withdrawn) grade. After the sixth class day, a dropped course will be assigned an “F” (Failing) grade.

Special Seminars and Courses: For special seminars or courses, deadlines to withdraw from classes will be pro-rated according to the guidelines set for the regular semesters.


Student validation takes place during the two days prior to the first day of classes, and its purpose is to allow students to resolve any outstanding administrative obligations (account balances, fees, housing, meal plans, financial aid, etc.) before classes begin. Contact the Business Office if you have questions.