SSD 300: Personal and Community Health

Class Program
Credits 3
Session Cycle
Both Fall and Spring
Yearly Cycle
Every Year
This course discusses and analyzes various aspects of nutrition, including but not limited to: proper components of a healthy diet; the role of the six categories of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats, and water); an inspection of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and how they are impacted by an individual's overall nutritional intake; nutritional relevancy when dealing with cancer and other diseases; how the sources of our food have changed; and how to incorporate necessary aspects of nutrition that will result in an improvement of overall health for a lifetime. It will also include a description of basic concepts of fitness: muscular strength and endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance, and flexibility; how these components should be balanced and effectively implemented into the lifestyle of individuals of any age; and how to implement them cost-effectively in order to promote wellness that lasts a lifetime.