Q: What happens during the investigation process?
A: Once it has been determined that an investigation will proceed, the assigned investigator will begin an investigation first by taking a full statement from the person making report and the complaining student (if the student did not come forward individually). At this time, the Deans’ Office will assess whether any preventive measures need to be taken to protect either the complaining student or the College community, such as a no-contact order, housing or class schedule modifications, or suspension pending investigation. The appropriate dean will meet with the accused person and inform the person of the complaint, the investigation, and available resources, as well as any preventive measures.
The assigned investigator will next interview any witnesses to the event, while gathering any physical evidence such as documents, text or email evidence, social media evidence, photos or videos, and any other information that can assist in determining what happened. The investigator will next interview the accused person, and continue to gather any relevant evidence available to that person. If there is an ongoing Hillsdale police investigation, the College may cooperate with the police in the sharing of evidence or information. Once all the facts are gathered, the College will make its determination as to whether or not the accused student violated the College’s policies.
Q: How long will the investigation take?
A: In all cases, Hillsdale College will begin the investigation process immediately, typically during the same week that the Deans’ Office receives the report. The investigation timing may vary depending on the facts in each particular case, including the number of witnesses to the event or surrounding events, the physical evidence involved, and the impact of any Hillsdale police department investigation.
Q: Will I be notified of the results of the investigation?
A: In all cases, the Deans’ Office will maintain regular contact with the involved students to ensure that the supportive services in place are assisting the student, to determine whether other assistance is required and to provide updates on the status of the investigation. Once a determination is made, both the complaining and the accused students will be informed of the results of the investigation on the same day. As with all aspects of a sexual assault investigation, the College considers such determinations confidential and will not disclose them outside of the College, except to the parties involved, where required by law, to implement any supportive or disciplinary measures, or for the anonymous reporting of sexual assault statistics.
Q: If I make a report of sexual assault against a fellow student, what will happen to that person?
A: Based on the factual findings made by the assigned investigator, if the College finds a student responsible for violating any of the Regulations of Proper Student Conduct, the Honor Code, or any other Hillsdale policy, the Deans may impose any of the disciplinary measures outlined in the Procedure for Student Discipline. The Deans may take any other actions deemed necessary to eliminate the conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects, while also protecting the Hillsdale College community. The Deans may also take all steps necessary to mitigate the impact of the violation(s) on the complaining student. Students who face discipline for sexual misconduct may appeal as outlined in the Procedure for Student Discipline.
Q: What happens if I am accused of sexual misconduct and the report is not substantiated?
A: In the event that a report of sexual misconduct is unsubstantiated, the Deans’ office will end any interim measures taken against an accused student, and can offer assistance in communicating the findings to those who may know about the report, and who may have a need to know about its resolution. The Deans’ office and Health Services remain available to offer any assistance needed by either party.
Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Relevant Legal Information: For additional information regarding other policies with information related to sexual misconduct, please see the following links:
Frequently Asked Questions: hillsdale.edu/smp/faq
The Above-Stated Procedures for Addressing Sexual Misconduct: hillsdale.edu/smp/procedures