
Certain courses give students an opportunity to engage in study which may not be included within the regularly scheduled departmental course structure. They are suggested as electives to enrich the liberal arts curriculum. Frequently they differ in format from other courses, and they may vary according to student interest. The courses listed below are non-departmental and interdisciplinary.

Courses of Instruction

IDS 300: We the People: An American Journey

Credits 3
This course is required of all students majoring and minoring in American Studies. The course is also open to all students who wish a general survey of American intellectual history. The purpose of the course is to develop an integrated understanding of our American historical, literary, and political experience from the seventeenth century to the twentieth century. The readings are extensive in both primary and secondary works.

IDS 316: Foreign Travel Study

Credits 3
This course is designed to combine classroom presentations, when appropriate, with a study tour to a foreign country or countries where a firsthand experience of the people and their culture will be studied.

IDS 400: Artes Liberales

Credits 3
This seminar examines the historical, literary, philosophical, theological and scientific perspectives that animate liberal education from its inception in classical Greece to its modern American manifestations. As such the course integrates a variety of disciplines while exploring selected texts, practices and institutions associated with liberal education. The readings are extensive, and lectures and discussions take up historically important primary works as well as scholarly studies of the subject. The purpose of the course is to develop an integrative understanding of liberal education, its seminal texts and modes of thinking (both about specific disciplines and itself), and to explore the possibilities for perpetuating the liberal arts in contemporary education.

IDS 575: Senior Thesis

Credits 3
Students seeking an interdisciplinary field of concentration (see page 201) shall prepare a senior thesis in their final year under the direction of a qualified advisor. Creative options are available in some fields of concentration.

IDS 584: Internship in International Business and Foreign Language

Credits 3 Max Credits 6
This course provides working experience with a business firm in a foreign country for the student majoring in international studies in business and foreign language. Prerequisites include completion or near completion of the field of concentration and the permission of the Department of Economics and Business Administration and the Department of French, German or Spanish. Students who take this course do not have to take IDS 575, Senior Thesis. If a suitable internship cannot be arranged in a foreign country, an internship with a company in this country may be substituted, provided the student is placed in work dealing with international business. Such decisions will be made jointly by the chairman of the Economics and Business Administration Department and the chairman of the French, German or Spanish Department in consultation with the student and considering the student's particular abilities and preparation.

IDS 593: Humanities Seminar

Credits 2 Max Credits 3
An honors seminar requiring extensive reading and the preparation of extended papers in an area of interest that spans one or more of the humanities.

IDS 597: Special Problems

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An independent study course designed for work in a special area or on a project or problem requiring an interdisciplinary approach. Application should be made to the deans of the divisions in which the study is to be made.