An introduction to legal rights and processes as they affect business. Detailed discussion of torts, crimes, sales and contract law. Offered Fall semester only.
A sequel to LAW 320, this course continues the exploration of basic business law. Agency, partnership, employment, corporations, negotiable instruments, secured transactions, bankruptcy, insurance and property are the substantive areas examined. Prerequisite: LAW 320 or permission of instructor.
This course is designed for the student who is planning a career in business. All major national labor legislation is studied. In addition, the problems of union organization, collective bargaining agreements, antitrust laws, as they apply to unions, and affirmative action legislation are explored. Prerequisite: LAW 320 or permission of instructor.
Property law is the subject of this course. The elements of real property, personal property, trusts and estates are analyzed. Prerequisite: LAW 320 or permission of instructor.
An introduction to the legal considerations of international business transactions. A survey of international comparative law concepts and legal and arbitral aspects of dispute settlement. Specific topics include the regulation of the multinational enterprise, the regulation of foreign investment, labor-dispute settlement and laws of international taxation and protection of intellectual property. Prerequisite: LAW 320 or permission of instructor.