
Chairman and Associate Professor: PAUL HOSMER

Physics provides the fundamental understanding of all things in the natural world, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest astronomical objects in the universe. Students of physics develop strong problem-solving and analytical skills. The knowledge and skills obtained from the study of physics are a fundamental part of a liberal arts education. Physics is also the most basic science and provides the foundation of understanding on which all the sciences are built. Consequently, physics knowledge and skills are essential for future work in any area of science. Physics is both an experimental and a mathematical science. The application of mathematics to physics has been extremely successful. Thus, physics courses provide a rich source of examples and valuable techniques for those interested in mathematics.

A physics major prepares the student for (1) graduate study in physics or most engineering disciplines; (2) a technical career in industry, government or the military; (3) a career in many fields in which problem-solving and analytical skills are needed; and (4) a teaching career in secondary school physics or middle school science after completing Teacher Education courses and certification requirements.

The Outstanding Physics Senior Award is given each year to the senior physics major who achieves the highest grade-point average, above 3.500, in all of his or her physics classes.


The 100-level and 200-level courses in Physics are open to all students. Courses numbered between 110 and 140 are topical in nature and open to science and non-science majors alike. PHY 100 satisfies the core requirement, however it is geared for non-science majors.

PHY 101 and PHY 102 are algebra-based introductory physics courses geared for students not pursing a physics major/minor or will not be taking calculus. 

PHY 201 and 202 are calculus-based physics courses intended for students pursing a physics major/minor or more advanced training in physics. Some science majors (e.g., Chemistry) may require these courses for professional accreditation or program honors. Typically taken by freshman. 

The 300-level courses are intermediate-level courses designed for physics majors/minors and other students who have the suitable prerequisites. PHY 393 may be available to non-physics students depending on the topic and prerequisites. Typically taken by sophomores. 

The 400-level and 500-level courses are advanced courses available only to physics majors or other students with the proper prerequisites. Typically taken by juniors and seniors. 


Courses of Instruction

PHY 100: Great Principles of Physics

Credits 3
This physics core class is a three-credit lecture and laboratory course that provides an introduction to some of the great principles of physics. In addition, some major themes will include discussion of the power and limitations of science, the application of physics to everyday life, and various topics in astronomy. Topics in astronomy will include observing the night sky, historical models of the solar system, and the operation of the sun and stars. The course will alternate between a three-lecture week and a two-lecture week with a lab.

PHY 101: College Physics I

Credits 4

An introduction to mechanics and waves. The class has three hours of lecture, two hours of laboratory investigation, and one hour of recitation per week. Recommended for the general student, those who have not taken high school physics, and science students who do not take calculus. Prerequisites: competence in algebra, geometry and trigonometry. (Physics and Chemistry majors, see PHY 201-202.)

PHY 102: College Physics II

Credits 4

An introduction to thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, light, and optics. The class has three hours of lecture, two hours of laboratory investigation, and one hour of recitation per week. Recommended for the general student, those who have not taken high school physics, and science students who do not take calculus. Physics and Chemistry majors, see PHY 201-202.

PHY 110: Meteorology

Credits 3
The behavior of the atmosphere, the factors which influence its behavior, including solar radiation and the earth's rotation, and the effects which this behavior produces. Some topics include atmospheric stability, cloud types and cloud formation, types of precipitation, air masses and fronts, hurricanes and tornados, weather forecasting, weather satellites, and space weather. Students will also become more familiar with issues concerning climate change. Prerequisite: any introductory college physics or chemistry course or good high school background. Offered on demand.

PHY 120: Astronomy

Credits 3
A study of the source of our information about the universe and our concepts of the solar system, the galaxy and the cosmos; the use of light in learning about distant objects. Offered on demand.

PHY 130: Physics of Sound and Music

Credits 3
Beginning with a study of the nature of sound and the vibrating systems which produce sound, the course proceeds to a study of musical instruments, loudspeakers, electronic amplifiers and microphones. Prerequisite: a college physics or chemistry course or high school physics. Offered on demand.

PHY 140: Cosmology

Credits 3
An introduction to modern theories of the structure of matter and energy in the universe, and its evolution from the Big Bang to the present. The course presents an overview of current cosmological theories, the observational evidence relevant to current theories, and emphasizes recent data and observational techniques. The topics covered include a brief history of cosmological ideas, the electromagnetic spectrum, thermal radiation, elementary particles and interactions, the theory of general relativity and evidence supporting it, modern observational techniques, observational evidence for the expansion of the universe, the cosmic microwave background radiation and nucleosynthesis in the early universe. The course stresses concepts and uses no mathematics beyond algebra. Offered on demand.

PHY 201: University Physics I

Credits 4

An introduction to mechanics and waves. There are two hours of laboratory investigation, three hours of lecture, and one recitation per week. Recommended for science and mathematics majors. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 202: University Physics II

Credits 4

An introduction to thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, light and optics are taught in 202. There are two hours of laboratory investigation, three hours of lecture, and one recitation per week. Recommended for science and mathematics majors. 

PHY 303: Theoretical Physics I

Credits 3

An introduction to oscillations, waves, light, and Einstein's relativity, one of the two major advances in physics in the 20th century. Topics include: simple harmonic motion, damped oscillations, forced oscillations and resonance, coupled oscillations and normal modes, standing waves and traveling waves, Fourier analysis, sound, dispersion, electromagnetic waves, polarization, Poynting vector, radiation pressure, the generation of electromagnetic waves, scattering, reflection and refraction, geometrical optics, waveguides, interference, and diffraction. Topics in relativity include the postulates of special relativity; consequences for simultaneity, time dilation, and length contraction; Lorentz transformations; relativistic paradoxes; Minkowsky diagrams; invariants and four vectors; relativistic momentum and energy; particle collisions; relativity and electromagnetisms. Required in the field of concentration. 

PHY 304: Theoretical Physics II

Credits 3

An introduction to modern physics, including the second major advance in physics in the 20th century: Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics is discussed using the Schrodinger Equation. Solutions will give the wave function and energy level quantization of example systems: particles in potential wells, tunneling through barriers, harmonic oscillators, and the hydrogen atom. Discussion will progress to the properties of multi-electron atoms, the periodic table, X-ray spectra, and entanglement. Solids and molecules are discussed including bonding, molecular spectra, crystal structure, energy bands, the nature of metals, semiconductors and insulators, and how semiconductor devices work. We will then proceed to the basics of nuclear physics such as nuclear binding, models of the nucleus, nuclear spin, NMR and MRI, nuclear stability and radiation, radioactive dating, biological effects of radiation, and nuclear fission and fusion. Particle physics discussions will lead to elementary particle properties, particle accelerators, the standard model, and the history of the universe. Mathematical tools needed in upper-level classes are introduced as time allows

PHY 310: Experimental Physics I

Credits 1

Modern physics lab emphasizing experimental techniques. Experiments focus on modern physics and will include blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, atomic spectra, Michelson interferometer, properties of laser light, single-photon detection, double-slit experiment done with single photons, Franck-Hertz experiment, etc. Experimental skills will be emphasized including error analysis, error propagation, least squares curve fitting, and hypothesis testing using the chi-square statistic. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 311: Experimental Physics II

Credits 1

This course will continue work on statistical concepts in data and error analysis, scientific report writing, and measurement procedures. Experiments are chosen from various areas of classical, quantum mechanical, atomic, and solid-state physics, e.g., oscillations, superconductivity, hydrogen atom wavefunctions, quantum control of proton resonance, energy band structure of solids, photoelectric effect, X-ray diffraction, and spectrometry. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 350: Introduction to Computational Physics

Credits 2

Computer techniques and methods to solve physical problems are taught. Students will be introduced to Linux-based computing using the Python programming language. These tools will be employed in the study of problems such as integration techniques, Lissajous figures, Lagrange points, spacecraft trajectories, and N-body simulations. The Python skills acquired will be applicable to scientific computing in any natural science. Examples chosen will reflect the student's background and interests. Offered on demand.

PHY 393: Topics in Physics

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course on special topics in physics that are not normally offered. Specific topics may vary. The course may be taken for credit more than once under different titles.

PHY 410: Electronics

Credits 3

Lectures deal with the understanding, design and use of basic electronic circuits, including passive networks, transducers, current and voltage amplifiers. The fundamentals of transistors, operational amplifiers, digital logic and scientific instrumentation circuits are described. Experimental work covers transistors, current and voltage sources, operational amplifier applications, timers, transducers, digital logic and computer circuits. Emphasis is on using integrated circuits. The course includes two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory work per week. Required in the field of concentration. 

PHY 421: Mechanics

Credits 3

Three-hour course basic to advanced work in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Dealing with both statics and dynamics, Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian formalisms are examined, and concepts necessary to relativity and quantum mechanics are included. Some topics covered are motion with viscous forces and applications of mathematics (i.e., vector analysis and differential equations) 90 to the solution of physical problems.

PHY 422: Mechanics

Credits 3

Three-hour course basic to advanced work in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Dealing with both statics and dynamics, Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian formalisms are examined, and concepts necessary to relativity and quantum mechanics are included. Some topics covered are motion with viscous forces and applications of mathematics (i.e., vector analysis and differential equations) 90 to the solution of physical problems. Offered on demand.

PHY 451: Thermal Physics

Credits 3

A study of thermal and statistical physics incorporating a survey of classical thermodynamics. Topics include a statistical treatment of entropy, temperature, thermal radiation, chemical potential, and Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy. The Boltzmann, Planck and Gibbs distributions as well as ideal, Bose and Fermi gases are considered. Applications are made to metals, semiconductors, superconductors and astrophysics. 

PHY 459: Teaching of Secondary Physics

Credits 1

The course will discuss the basic components of a physics high school course: lecture, demonstrations, laboratories. It will do this amid higher level discussions of what physics actually IS, how physics fits, or can and should fit, into a classical curriculum or curriculum taught at many Barney Charter Schools, and how effectively to make connections to the broader curriculum. Through this course, students will also acquire a set of tools such as lecture outlines, demonstrations, lab equipment lists, reading lists, etc. that they can take and use as a foundation for their future physics course. This course would be for any student who is considering going into science teaching in secondary education. This course fulfils one of the elective requirements for the Classical Education minor. Offered on demand

PHY 460: Electricity and Magnetism

Credits 3

An essential study of electric and magnetic phenomena, with emphasis on the fields in vacuo and in materials. Vector calculus is introduced and then applied throughout. Electrostatics and magnetostatics are developed, with emphasis on Gauss' and Ampere's laws. Induced EMFs and Maxwell's equations conclude this basic course. Required in the field of concentration. 

PHY 470: Advanced Experimental Physics: Mechanics and Light

Credits 1

Advanced laboratory experiments on topics from mechanics and light. Typical experiments include the speed of light, electron spin resonance, charge on the electron (Millikan experiment), driven harmonic motion, measurement of g(reversible pendulum), measurement of G (Cavendish torsional pendulum), Frank-Hertz experiment, optical interference effects in single and multiple slits, Michelson interferometer, Fabry-Perot interferometer, optical filter transmission characteristics, electron diffraction on graphite crystals, photoelectric effect, Schlierens optical system, and optical properties of prisms. (One course chosen from PHY 470, 471, 472 or 480 is required for the major.) 

PHY 471: Advanced Experimental Physics: X-Ray and Nuclear Physics

Credits 1

A state-of-the-art X-ray diffractometer will be used to teach crystallography. The course stresses principles and measurement of atomic crystalline arrangements. Identification and physical properties of metals, inorganics, minerals, etc., will be considered. The second part of the laboratory will use gamma ray spectrometry to measure and identify nuclear isotopes. Principles of nuclear radiation and its detection will be taught. Both the X-ray and nuclear equipment use computer data collection and analysis. Radiation measurement may be studied to a greater extent as an option for those with corresponding career interests. (One course chosen from Physics 470, 471, 472, or 480 is required for the major.) 

PHY 480: Research in Magnetism

Credits 1

This course involves an introduction to the magnetism of metals and alloys and magnetic impurities in these systems. In the first semester, 480, theoretical and experimental ideas in the areas of magnetism, condensed matter physics, low-temperature physics, and vacuum science will be discussed and demonstrated. The class will then carry out an experimental procedure for one alloy.  Research based on the theory and procedures learned in this class may be used for student research by taking PHY 481-3 below or with other arrangements.  This research is supported by an 8-Tesla superconducting magnet, a microbalance (0.1 micrograms), a low-temperature cryostat (3.8-300K), a helium leak detector, and high-vacuum equipment. A machine shop and other departmental equipment support the research. (One course chosen from PHY 470, 471, 472, or 480 is required for the major.)

PHY 481, 482, 483: Research in Magnetism

Credits 1

In PHY 481- 483, the student will begin a series of measurements to contribute to the ongoing faculty-student research project. Four semesters of this work are possible. In addition, the student’s senior thesis may be based on the theory and procedures learned in PHY 480 and the student's further research in this area.
Offered on Demand.

PHY 490: Quantum Mechanics I

Credits 3

The probabilistic theory of particles and their interactions has been very successful since its early forms treated quantization of radiation, electron-photon interactions, and atomic energies (Planck 1901, Einstein 1905, and Bohr 1913). Modern quantum mechanics deal with particles described as wave packets having a range of positions and momenta. This explains both the particle and wave effects observed. These wave packets are solutions of the Schrodinger wave equation and involve both space and time. The formal theory involves finding wave function solutions for harmonic oscillators, the hydrogen atom, and other systems. Physical properties of these systems are extracted from these wave functions using mathematical operators. This course is essential for those planning graduate study in physics or related areas. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 506: Electrodynamics

Credits 3

Applications of Maxwell's equations to numerous practical situations in electrodynamics, including electromagnetic waves and radiation. The theory of relativity and its relation to classical electricity and magnetism are usually included. Strongly recommended for students who will go on to graduate studies in physics or engineering or who will study undergraduate electrical or electronic engineering. Offered on demand

PHY 507: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

Credits 3

An advanced study of nuclear and atomic physics. Topics will include: relativistic treatment of energy and momentum in nuclear reactions and Compton scattering, nuclear and atomic structure, the nucleonnucleon interaction, nuclear decay, particle accelerators, and nuclear particle detection. Quantum mechanics will be used when appropriate. Prerequisites: (One course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511 or PHY 520 is required for the major.)

PHY 509: Light

Credits 3

Background and theory necessary to understand modern optical devices, instruments, techniques and phenomena. The course begins with a study of the mathematics of waves and important aspects of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. The course uses geometrical optics to understand thin and thick lenses and systems of lenses such as telescopes and microscopes. The wave theory of light is used to study polarization, interference and diffraction. Various types of interferometers are examined, as well as diffraction of multiple slits and gratings. (One course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511, or PHY 520 is required for the major.) 

PHY 511: Quantum Mechanics II

Credits 3

This course continues the study of Quantum Mechanics, building upon the foundations presented in PHY 490, Quantum Mechanics. Topics covered typically include identical particles, degenerate and nondegenerate time independent perturbation theory, the variational principle, the WKB approximation, time dependent perturbation theory, the emission and absorption of radiation, spontaneous emission, and scattering and partial wave analysis. These theories are applied to the fine structure of hydrogen, the Zeeman effect, hyperfine splitting, the ground state of helium, the hydrogen molecule ion and other systems. (One course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511, or PHY 520 is required for the major.) 

PHY 520: Solid State Physics

Credits 3

A study of the properties and physical processes taking place in the solid. This subject draws on all the areas of physics and thus tends to unify knowledge from other courses. The course begins by laying the groundwork in crystal structure, crystal binding energies, crystal diffraction, and the reciprocal lattice. We will then consider the thermal properties of crystals, the free electron gas in metals, Fermi surfaces, energy bands in solids, electron transport, and semiconductor devices. Strongly recommended for those considering graduate school in physics, chemistry, or engineering, or seeking an industrial position in physics or engineering. (The physics major requires one course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511, or PHY 520.)

PHY 575: Senior Thesis

Credits 1
The defense and writing of the senior thesis based on research work carried on in earlier courses. A senior thesis should examine a narrow area of physics that the student investigates under the supervision of a physics professor. The topic is chosen in the second semester of the junior year, and a proposal is written in consultation with a thesis advisor. PHY 480 or any of the physics professors will help to suggest thesis topics. In the first semester of the senior year, the research is carried out under the course numbers PHY 597 or PHY 481-483. In the second semester of the senior year, the actual writing of the thesis is carried out under PHY 575. Required in the field of concentration after the first semester of the senior year. A public presentation of the thesis is required

PHY 597: Special Problems

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course involving individual research or work on a special topic under faculty supervision. The course may be taken for credit more than once. Requires permission of the instructor.

PHY 599: Teaching Assistantship

Credits 2
Teaching an introductory laboratory section-e.g., to prepare for a teaching assistantship in graduate school. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.