Each year, Hillsdale College makes available to incoming freshmen a number of scholarships awarded on the basis of outstanding achievement and satisfactory citizenship in secondary school. All applicants to Hillsdale College are automatically considered for these awards upon acceptance. No formal application is necessary, nor is need a factor in the determination of awards. Due to the competitive nature of the awards, which considers the overall strength of an Admissions application, not everyone who qualifies can receive an award.
Academic Merit Awards
Hillsdale College has established a comprehensive scholarship program, without regard to financial need, for outstanding high school citizens. These scholarships are renewable each semester during the four years of attendance at Hillsdale, provided the holder is enrolled as a full-time student and has maintained an accumulative scholastic grade-point average of 3.000, to be computed at the end of the first two semesters and each semester thereafter. If a student should lose his scholarship through failure to maintain the required grade-point average, he may apply to be reinstated as a scholarship holder if, at the end of a subsequent semester, his accumulative grade-point average has reached the 3.000 standard.
Other Opportunities
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS A limited number of tuition scholarships are available for foreign students. Awards are based on academic achievement and financial need. These scholarships may cover up to the cost of tuition.