
American Studies


The American Studies curriculum is concentrated in three departmental component areas and one elective component area. The departmental areas are American History, American Literature and American Politics. The majority of the American Studies electives’ curriculum is drawn from these areas.

Majors will elect nine-hour concentrations in two of the areas and a six-hour concentration in the remaining area.

The remaining curriculum area consists of two three-hour electives from Art, Journalism, Philosophy, Religion, Rhetoric, and Theatre. An IDS 393 course and an IDS 597 course titled “Special Problems” allow for independent study in more specialized areas. Academic credit for an IDS course is allowed when a proposal for study is accepted by the American Studies director.

Required (Comprehensives)

A written comprehensive examination is required. During the second semester of a student’s junior year, the director of the American Studies Program will publish a reading list and suggested guidelines. During the last semester of the final year, students will sit for their comprehensive examination. The comprehensive exam will always be at a time never to compete with final examinations. Exams will be evaluated as Honors, Pass, or Fail. To graduate with American Studies honors, students must achieve an Honors evaluation on their comprehensives. A student who fails the exam will be obliged to re-take the exam to fulfill all graduation requirements.

Required Courses

Course Code
Sub-Total Hours


24 hours of American History, America Literature, and American Politics. Must complete 9 hours in two of the disciplines.


6 hours in American Art, Journalism, Philosophy, Religion, Rhetoric & Media, and Theatre

Total Credits