Natural Sciences & Mathematics

The Lee and Roland Witte Natural Sciences Division

Director of Science Laboratories: DOUGLAS DOBROZSI


Courses of Instruction

BIO 101: Core Principles in Biology

Credits 3

This biology core class is a theme-based, lecture and discussion course that covers unifying concepts in the biological sciences. Several sections of this course will be offered, with each section covering topics within a specific discipline of biology. Major themes will be consistent in each section offering, including historical aspects, principles of evolution, understanding science as "a way of knowing" and others, but most important is the connection made among people, the environment, society, and the scientific process used to discover what we know. Each section will incorporate supplemental resources in lieu of standard textbooks to make the course a unique liberal arts experience and to establish connections with other areas of the core curriculum. Some sections may also have laboratory components, demonstrations, or field trips to complement what is being taught in the lecture.
Does not count towards the biology major or minor.

BIO 200: Cellular and Molecular Biology

Credits 4

An introduction to cellular structure and function, and the biochemical basis for life and genetic control of the cell. This course covers fundamental cellular processes such as replication, transcription, translation, inheritance, gene expression, photosynthesis, and respiration. Laboratory work is included. Required in the field of concentration.

BIO 201: Evolution and Biological Diversity

Credits 4

An introduction to the major taxonomic groups of organisms and their phylogenetic relationships. This course applies cellular and genetic processes to the evolutionary mechanisms within organismal populations and the resultant biological diversity of life. Laboratory work is included. Required in the field of concentration

BIO 250: General Ecology

Credits 3

This course examines the characteristics of populations, communities and ecosystems in terms of energy flow, biogeochemistry and multivariate interactions (biotic and abiotic). The course will demonstrate the role of evolution in ecosystem composition, structure and function. The nature of the major North American Biomes will also be discussed with an emphasis on the importance of biodiversity and the interdependence of living things. Two weekend field trips are required. Also offered during the summer at the G.H. Gordon Biological Station. 

BIO 287: Scientific Writing

Credits 1

An introduction to the techniques and style of scientific writing. Required in the field of concentration. Must be taken before BIO 590. 

BIO 297: Special Problems

Credits 1
An introductory elective course involving individual work on a topic selected in consultation with the faculty of the Department.

BIO 302: Developmental Biology

Credits 4

An introduction to vertebrate development, including studies of germ cells, segmentation, and growth of the principal tissues and organs. Laboratory work is included. 

BIO 303: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

Credits 4

The lecture will present an introduction to the major organ systems and their evolutionary history within vertebrates. The course will include a brief review of the diversity of vertebrates and their phylogenetic relationships. Emphasis will be placed on structural modifications and functional changes between vertebrate groups and how they are related to differences in environments and modes of life. The weekly two-hour laboratories will involve dissections of lamprey, sharks, cats, and observation of a pro-sected human cadaver. Offered occasionally.

BIO 304: Animal Physiology

Credits 4

The principles and mechanisms of function in animals and their constituent parts from molecules to organs. The course will consist of three lecture hours and two laboratory hours each week. Offered occasionally.

BIO 305: Botany

Credits 4

The study of plants as living organisms through a survey of the diversity in the plant kingdom. Emphasis will be placed on plant morphology, anatomy, classification, and evolution of structure and function in response to the environment. Laboratory work with fresh and preserved materials is included. 

BIO 307: Plant Ecology

Credits 3

An advanced study in the plant sciences focused on understanding the concept and theories that govern the distribution and abundance of plant populations and communities. 

BIO 308: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Credits 4

A study of the structure and function of the human body; fundamental processes including nervous function, hormones, integument, respiration, circulation, blood, muscles, and skeleton. Laboratory work is included. 

BIO 309: Genetics

Credits 4

The study of the principles of heredity, gene function and mutation, and growth and reproduction.

BIO 311: Methods in Field Biology

Credits 3

An introduction to field biology with an emphasis on hands-on field research techniques. Very minimal lecture, and substantial time in forests, lakes, streams, and other habitats of northern Michigan. Field experiences will focus on experimental design, sampling terrestrial and aquatic organisms, population estimations, community interactions, ecosystem evaluations, and proper use of field research equipment. Offered at the G.H. Gordon Biological Station during the 2nd summer session.

BIO 315: Michigan Flora

Credits 3

The study of Michigan's native plants, including trees, shrubs, wildflowers, aquatic plants and grasses. Includes extensive field work and overnight field trips.

BIO 318: Historical Geology

Credits 3

An introduction to the history of the earth from its formation to the present, including the development of the earthís interior, crust, oceans, climate, continents, mountains and glaciers. In addition to the abiotic history of our planet, prevailing scientific theories on the origins, evolution and diversity of life (from bacteria to dinosaurs) on earth will be examined. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in both spatial and temporal cognition. Lectures are enhanced by field trips. 

BIO 320: Advanced Cell Biology

Credits 4

A study of the infrastructure and function of cells. Topics include the study of electron micrographs, cellular respiration, enzyme kinetics, mechanisms of movement, protein synthesis and the implications of cellular function in multicellular organisms. Laboratory work is included. 

BIO 325: Histology

Credits 3

An introduction to the study of the microscopic features of cells, tissues, and organs, the physiology that arises from that microanatomy, and laboratory techniques for the preparation of histological specimens. The course will emphasize the major organ systems and tissue types of mammals. 

BIO 340: Biostatistics

Credits 4

An introduction to philosophy of science, logical structure of the scientific method, and principles of univariate statistics for the biological sciences. Laboratory work is included, which will require the mastering of a statistical software program. Must be taken before BIO 591. 

BIO 350: Conservation

Credits 3

An overview of anthropogenic environmental degradation and solutions for achieving a sustainable planet. Topics include the history of conservation, economics and ethics, sustainable engineering and building, principles of ecology, overpopulation, world hunger, principles of soil science, agriculture, waste management, air and water pollution, climate change, habitat loss, and extinction. Course includes field trip opportunities for hands-on learning that can be applied to environmentally responsible homestead management. 

BIO 360: Microbiology

Credits 4

The study of microorganisms, focusing on bacteria and viruses. General topics include morphology, growth, reproduction, metabolism, mechanisms of genetic exchange, control, pathogenic and applied microbiology. Fundamental concepts of virology and immunology are also covered. Laboratory work includes isolation and identification techniques. 

BIO 364: Freshwater Biology

Credits 4

An introduction to the ecology of inland waters, including lakes, ponds, wetlands, and streams. Major topics include geologic origins, typology, geographic distribution, biota, ecological succession, ecosystem function, and restoration/management. Emphasis is placed on the interaction between organisms and the environment. Laboratories include use of field equipment, field research techniques, and identification of aquatic organisms, including protozoa, invertebrates, fish, herpetofauna, and plants. Many laboratories will be conducted out of doors, and there is one required field trip off campus. 

BIO 365: Advanced Microbiology

Credits 4

An introduction to historical microbiology, microbial physiology, environmental microbiology, microbial genomics, and current trends in microbiology. The topics will be presented in an informal lecture/discussion format three days per week. Laboratories will emphasize individual and group projects covering aspects of bacterial photosynthesis, as well as selected laboratory exercises. 

BIO 368: Marine Biology

Credits 4
A concentrated field study that introduces students to the ecology of shallow, subtropical, marine environments. Lectures and laboratories are complemented with boat and snorkeling trips to coral reefs and other marine habitats in the vicinity of Long Key, Florida. Additionally, students work together in groups and conduct independent research on a selected marine habitat. The course includes a survey of the marine life of the Florida Keys, as well as investigation of the autecology of the organisms. The course is designed to suit both biology majors and non-majors. Students enrolled in the course live and study on location. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. A $250.00 non-refundable deposit is required, in advance, to enroll in the course. Currently on hiatus. May be offered again in the future.

BIO 370: Entomology

Credits 4

Insects represent 80 percent of all animal species. This course examines their classification, anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecology, as well as their positive and negative impacts on people and the effects of insect pest control. The laboratory will encompass both indoor activities and several field trips to local environments. 

BIO 380: Animal Behavior

Credits 4

The study of empirical, theoretical, and conceptual foundations of animal behavior. Laboratory experiments, emphasizing ethological methodology, as well as discussion, will reinforce these foundations. 

BIO 383: Mammalogy

Credits 3

The lecture will present the diversity and biology of mammals from an evolutionary perspective. It will examine the diversity of living and extinct mammals and explore the mechanisms responsible for their evolution and extinction and will include discussion of mammal origins, evolution, phylogeny, paleontology, physiology, behavior, ecology and economic importance. There are approximately 4,600 living species of mammals that are spread throughout all the earth ís environments and make up 26 diverse orders, such as carnivores, whales, bats, rodents, and primates.  

BIO 390: Animal Parasitology

Credits 3

A survey of animal parasites, including their taxonomy, structure, life histories, and evolution. Emphasis is on the practical implications of medical and veterinary parasitic diseases. 

BIO 393: Topics in Biology

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course on special topics in biology that are not normally offered. Specific topics may vary. The course may be taken for credit more than once under different titles. Offered upon request.

BIO 405: Population Genetics

Credits 3

The lecture will present both an introduction to theoretical studies, and discussion of actual molecular and phenotypic variation in natural populations and how processes such as mutation, recombination, and selection affect genetic variation. Topics discussed will include genetic variation, Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, genetic recombination, linkage and disequilibrium, basic natural selection models, molecular evolution and phylogenetics, mutation, genetic drift, inbreeding and nonrandom mating, population subdivision and gene flow, and the neutralist versus selectionist debate. 

BIO 408: Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Credits 4

This is primarily a course in human gross anatomy as it involves fours hours of directed cadaveric dissections each week. In addition to laboratory dissections, there will be weekly lectures on advanced topics in physiology. 

BIO 430: Molecular Biology

Credits 4

An introduction to the basic concepts of molecular biology: the nature, control, recombination and rearrangement of genes; gene manipulation; recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques; and bioengineering strategies. Laboratory work is included. 

BIO 450: Immunology

Credits 3

An advanced study of the human immune system. Lecture topics include the structure and function of the organs and cells of the immune system, immune system development, intrinsic and innate immunity, antigen recognition and presentation, adaptive immunity, immunological memory, immune system failure, autoimmunity, and allergies. 

BIO 459: The Teaching of Secondary Biology

Credits 2

Science as a way of knowing will be emphasized to understand how biology seamlessly fits within the liberal arts. This course will familiarize future secondary school teachers with the design, implementation, and evaluation of lectures, demonstrations, and laboratories. The goal is for any major to learn more about the field of biology, how best to build a foundation in biological understanding, and foster a sense of wonder about the natural world in their future students. This course may fulfill one of the elective requirements for the Classical Education minor.

BIO 460: Virology

Credits 3

An advanced study of the virosphere. Lecture topics include virus structure, replication cycles, categories of infection, pathogenesis, immune response and evasion, transmission, and treatment. A broad range of virus families are represented. 

BIO 470: Cognitive Neuroscience

Credits 3

An advanced study into the neurophysiology of human cognition. Topics, starting with basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, will build toward an understanding of cognitive functions, emphasizing sensory processing, memory formation, decision making, emotions, and brain diseases. Ultimately the course aims to help students link brain functions to modern views of consciousness. 

BIO 590: Junior Seminar

Credits 1

Introduction to research; group format. Required in the field of concentration. To be taken by majors in the fall semester of their junior year.

Exempt from tuition overload charges. 

BIO 591: Senior Seminar

Credits 1

Senior research project; group format seminar. Required in the field of concentration. To be taken by majors in the fall semester of their senior year.

Exempt from tuition overload charges. 

BIO 592: Junior Research

Credits 1

Individualized literature review leading to research proposal. Required in the field of concentration. To be taken by majors in the spring semester of their junior year.

Exempt from tuition overload charges. 

BIO 593: Senior Thesis

Credits 1

Capstone preparation, presentation, and defense of the senior research project. Required in the field of concentration. To be taken by majors during the spring semester of their senior year.

Exempt from tuition overload charges. 

BIO 594: Honors Thesis

Credits 3

Capstone preparation, presentation, and defense of the senior research project, plus a written thesis approved by the research advisor and an additional outside reader. Required of students pursuing department honors or those who have received LAUREATES funding. Optional for all other students. To be taken by majors during the spring semester of their senior year.

Exempt from overload tuition charges. 

BIO 597: Special Problems

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course involving individual work on a special topic under faculty supervision. The course may be taken for credit more than once. Requires permission of the instructor. Offered upon request.

BIO 599: Biology Comprehensive Exam

The comprehensive biology examination is offered twice per year, typically at the beginning of fall and spring semesters. All biology majors must pass the exam in order to graduate. It is highly recommended that students take it during their final semester at Hillsdale.

CHM 101: Great Principles in Chemistry

Credits 3
This introductory chemistry course is designed for the non-science major. The student will explore and consider the implications of the "big ideas" of chemistry, why they are important, and the evidence for them. These great principles include the atomic nature of matter, bonding, intermolecular forces, structure and shape, chemical reactions, and transfer of energy. The nature of empirical scientific methodology and the strengths and limitations of science as a way of knowing will be discussed in the context of a liberal education. The course will make use of primary or secondary sources that shed light on the process and context through which key advances have occurred. In addition, the relationship of fundamental principles of chemistry to current and emerging global issues will be explored. Lecture, discussion, and laboratory.

CHM 201: General Chemistry I

Credits 4

Two four-hour courses in introductory chemistry. These courses cover fundamental laws and theories: the atom and its construction, the nature of the chemical bond, stoichiometry, phases of matter, solution chemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibria, electrochemistry, and an introduction to organic chemistry. Three lectures plus one two-hour laboratory per week in the fall, and three lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week in the spring. Prerequisites: two years of high school mathematics plus high school chemistry are recommended. 

CHM 202: General Chemistry II

Credits 4

Two four-hour courses in introductory chemistry. These courses cover fundamental laws and theories: the atom and its construction, the nature of the chemical bond, stoichiometry, phases of matter, solution chemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibria, electrochemistry, and an introduction to organic chemistry. Three lectures plus one two-hour laboratory per week in the fall, and three lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week in the spring. Prerequisites: two years of high school mathematics plus high school chemistry are recommended. 

CHM 303: Organic Chemistry I

Credits 4

Two four-hour courses in the general field of organic chemistry including reaction and preparations of both aliphatic and aromatic compounds, functional group approach to reactions, and the theoretical relationship of electronic structure to mechanisms. The laboratory will emphasize preparative methods. Designed for preprofessional students in allied health fields, as well as for students working in this field of concentration. Three lectures plus one laboratory period per week. CHM 303 is a prerequisite for CHM 304.

CHM 304: Organic Chemistry II

Credits 4

Two four-hour courses in the general field of organic chemistry including reaction and preparations of both aliphatic and aromatic compounds, functional group approach to reactions, and the theoretical relationship of electronic structure to mechanisms. The laboratory will emphasize preparative methods. Designed for preprofessional students in allied health fields, as well as for students working in this field of concentration. Three lectures plus one laboratory period per week.

CHM 393: Topics in Chemistry

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course on special topics in chemistry that are not normally offered. Specific topics may vary. The course may be taken for credit more than once under different titles.

CHM 403: Advanced Organic Chemistry

Credits 3

A course devoted to the study of stereochemistry, mechanisms, multi-step syntheses and newer synthetic methods. Characterization of compounds will utilize spectroscopic methods. Emphasis is placed on recent and current developments in organic chemistry. Periodical literature is employed in addition to textbooks. Three lectures per week; some laboratory work may be required.

CHM 406: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Credits 3
An in-depth study of the structure and properties of atoms, ions and molecules. Topics include coordination chemistry, ligand field theory, organometallic compounds and descriptive chemistry. Lecture with lab.

CHM 415: Analytical Chemistry

Credits 4

The theory, principles and practices of analytical chemistry involving statistical analysis, equilibria, acid-base chemistry, complexation, oxidation-reduction, spectroscopy, and electrochemistry. Quantitative determinations using gravimetric analysis, titrations (acid-base and complexiometric), and spectrophotometry are a part of the laboratory portion of this course. Three lectures plus one four-hour laboratory per week. 

CHM 419: Analytical Separation Science

Credits 3

An in-depth examination of techniques used to separate and analyze mixtures. Topics examined include gas and liquid chromatography, solid-phase extraction, dialysis and electrophoresis. Particular emphasis will be placed on liquid chromatography (ion chromatography, size exclusion, reversed-phase, normal-phase, affinity and chiral separations) and capillary electrophoresis (free solutions, gels, micellar and isoelectric focusing). Lecture with lab. 

CHM 452: Biochemistry

Credits 3

Introduces an integrated analysis of the chemical structure, dynamic mechanisms, and cellular functions of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. Topics will include enzymology, molecular biology, metabolism, and methodological theory. 

CHM 453: Advanced Biochemistry

Credits 3

Detailed study of advanced topics in cellular signaling and metabolism. This course will focus on hormonal control mechanisms, signal transduction pathways, and enzyme mechanisms related to the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and the degradation and biosynthesis of sugars, fatty acids, amino acids and nucleotides. There will be an emphasis on understanding the primary literature and recent advances in the field of biochemistry. Three lectures per week. 

CHM 454: Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry

Credits 1

In this laboratory course, students will engage with methods and instrumentation common to research in biochemistry. Students will learn to modify protein sequences, express and purify proteins, and assess the function of proteins through kinetic and thermodynamic assays. Students will also design and implement an independent research project culminating in a primary literature-style paper based on their findings.

CHM 470: Junior Seminar

Credits 1
As a pre-professional course, students will learn about various career paths associated with degrees in chemistry and biochemistry. They will receive instruction on developing application materials for internships, graduate and professional schools, and jobs. Graduate school and career opportunities will also be presented, in part by invited speakers from both industry and academia. Opportunities for laboratory research at Hillsdale and elsewhere will be explained, and students will decide on a faculty research mentor. Students will also be introduced to the scientific literature, including the peer review process, skills for searching within scientific research databases, and the use of citation management software. They will be taught the processes of reading scientific literature, using discursive reasoning for evaluation, and writing a scientific paper. To be taken by the fall of the junior year by all biochemistry and chemistry majors.

CHM 475: Junior Research

Credits 1

Students will meet in small groups with their faculty research mentors. Students will give presentations on background information, lab techniques, and previous research relevant to their research interests. They will formulate and write a research proposal with the aid of their faculty mentor and peer group, and will serve as critical reviewers of their peers' presentations and/or proposals. They will also attend several senior thesis presentations (CHM 575) and presentations by invited speakers from industry and academia. To be taken in the spring of the junior year by all biochemistry and chemistry majors. 

Exempt from tuition overload charges. 

CHM 501: Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences

Credits 3

A study of thermodynamics, kinetics, molecular structure and spectroscopy, with an emphasis on biological applications. The concepts of energy, enthalpy, entropy, chemical equilibrium, kinetics of complex reactions, dynamics of microscopic systems, chemical bonding, non-covalent interactions, optical spectroscopy and magnetic resonance will be covered in some detail, and the discussion will center on the importance of these concepts in the life sciences. Three lectures per week. 

CHM 502: Physical Chemistry I

Credits 4

An advanced treatment of chemical principles. Topics include quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular structure, origin of spectra, molecular orbital theory, computational chemistry, laser spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance. Three lectures plus one four-hour laboratory period per week. 

CHM 503: Physical Chemistry II

Credits 4

A continuation of CHM 502. Topics include statistical thermodynamics, first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, phase equilibria, chemical equilibria, molecular motion, chemical kinetics, photochemistry, and reaction dynamics. Three lectures plus one four-hour laboratory period per week. 

CHM 504: Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry

Credits 3

This course will expand on topics introduced in CHM 502 and 503. Course content will vary with each offering and will depend on the interests of enrolled students. Possible topics to be covered include computational chemistry, surface chemistry, advanced group theory and crystallography, advanced spectroscopy and nuclear chemistry. Three lectures per week; some laboratory work may be required. 

CHM 522: Instrumental Analysis

Credits 4

A course that includes lecture and laboratory work in basic electronics, flame atomic emission and absorption spectroscopy, UV-Vis and IR molecular absorption, luminescence methods, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, electrochemical analysis, and liquid and gas chromatography. Three lectures and one four-hour laboratory per week. 

CHM 570: Senior Seminar

Credits 1

Students will be provided information and guidance about writing and editing a successful senior thesis and giving an effective oral presentation on their research. More broadly, through readings, presentations, and discussions, students will be expected to reflect on their scientific knowledge and experience in the context of ethical, social, and philosophical considerations and implications. A variety of topics may be covered, including attributes of good science, ethics in science, faith and science, responsibilities of scientists in society, and the limitations of science. Students will submit an essay on a theme from the course (e.g., the place of science within the traditional liberal arts). They will also attend presentations by invited speakers from industry and academia. Students seeking Departmental Honors or an ACS-certified degree will compose an initial draft of their senior thesis. To be taken in the fall of the senior year by all biochemistry and chemistry majors.

Exempt from tuition overload charges. 

CHM 575: Senior Thesis

Credits 1

Each student will critically review the thesis of another member of the class (peer review). They will make necessary revisions to their own senior theses after peer review and review by their faculty research mentors. They will also give a formal oral presentation of their research to the department, and attend presentations by invited speakers from industry and academia. Each student will also serve as a mentor to a junior who is preparing a presentation for CHM 475. To be taken in the spring of the senior year by biochemistry and chemistry majors who are seeking Departmental Honors or an ACS-certified degree.

Exempt from tuition overload charges. 

CHM 590: Chemical Research

Credits 1 Max Credits 3

Laboratory and/or literature research in advanced chemistry, designed to develop independent research skills through the guidance of a research mentor on a specific chemical problem. 

CHM 597: Special Problems

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
Investigation of special problems under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

CHM 598: Lab Assistantship

Credits 1 Max Credits 2
Practical experience in setting up experiments and supervising laboratory work. Time requirement: three hours per week of laboratory work for each credit hour. Total limit: two hours of credit.

CMP 101: Introduction to Computer Science

Credits 3
A first course in the discipline of computer science with emphasis on expressing ideas in a formal language. Introduces basic programming techniques, data abstraction, and algorithms. Includes discussion of the nature of computation and connections to major areas of computing.

CMP 201: Data Structures

Credits 3

Introduction to linked lists, stacks, queues, maps, trees, binary search trees, graphs, and hashing. Emphasis is on writing readable, efficient, and maintainable code. Object-oriented programming techniques, dynamic memory management, exception handling, and abstract data types are studied. 

CMP 202: Logic and Computing Structures

Credits 3

The nature of the logical foundation of the discipline is emphasized with coverage including propositional and predicate calculus, formal systems and proof, and methods of informal proof. Writing proofs about sets, functions, grammars, trees, and graphs is emphasized with an eye both towards the study of the logic itself as well as a deepening understanding of the structures at hand.

CMP 310: Algorithms

Credits 3

Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. Course coverage includes divide and conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, back-tracking, branch-and-bound, and classic searching and sorting. Complexity is studied as well and includes order of growth, tractability, P vs. NP, and how to design algorithms for NP-hard problems. 

CMP 320: Models of Computation

Credits 3

Formal languages and automata theory, with an introduction to computability. Course coverage includes deterministic and nondeterministic automata, pushdown automata, regular and context-free languages and grammars, models of computation including the Turing machine, computability, decidability, and the Halting problem. 

CMP 330: Physical Computation

Credits 3

Introduction to the architecture and organization of physical computers. Machine language programming, the design of instruction sets, and software/hardware tradeoffs are emphasized. Digital design topics such as transistors, Boolean algebra, logic gates, functional units, timing, computer arithmetic, and overall system design are studied. Topics include data path and controller design, hazard detection and resolution, dynamic scheduling, the memory hierarchy, parallelization, and application-specific processors. 

CMP 333: Imbedded Systems

Credits 3

Microcontroller-based embedded system design and programming. Topics include basic machine electronics, interface design, and C and assembly language programming for real-time embedded systems. Applications to robotics such as planning, vision, and cybernetics are covered.

CMP 340: The Craft of Coding

Credits 3

Introduction to applications-level software design principles with emphasis on writing efficient, maintainable, and reusable code. Topics include design patterns, debugging, testing, exception handling, recursion, memory management, classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. This is a programming intensive course giving the student experience in a modern object-oriented language.

CMP 393: Topics in Computer Science

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course on special topics in computer science that are not normally offered. Specific topics may vary. The course may be taken for credit more than once under different titles.

CMP 470: Artificial Intelligence

Credits 3

Overview of basic ideas in artificial intelligence. Coverage includes knowledge representation, classic search techniques, probabilistic reasoning, and neural networks. Modern computer architectures supporting artificial intelligence algorithms are covered. Includes discussion of the nature of intelligence and whether machines can think. Prerequisite: CMP 101 and MTH 113/120

CMP 473: Machine Learning

Credits 3

A course in modern machine learning via deep learning. Topics include statistical estimation, efficient gradient descent of nonlinear functions, convolutional models, attention-based models, and generative models. Emphasis is placed on maintaining a balance between theory and the ability to produce practically efficient implementation of these techniques leveraging GPU acceleration within a leading deep learning development framework. Practical implementation details also consider techniques for avoiding local optima and improving generalization.

CMP 477: Evolutionary Computation

Credits 3

Theory and application of stochastic, population-based, general-purpose problem solving algorithms inspired by natural evolution. Includes coverage of genetic algorithms, swarm intelligence, evolutionary algorithms, genetic programming, and multi-agent simulations. Applications to problems in science, engineering, mathematics, business, and the humanities are studied. Prerequisite: CMP 101 and MTH 113/120

MTH 105: Mathematics and Deductive Reasoning

Credits 3
This course is designed to explore the nature of mathematics and give the student an introduction to logic and mathematical reasoning as a means for that investigation. The content may include Aristotelian logic and deductive reasoning, mathematical arguments and proof, and the study of axiomatic systems such as Euclidean geometry. Prerequisites: none.

MTH 112: Integrated Calculus IA

Credits 3

The first of a two-semester sequence designed to introduce the ideas and applications of the Differential Calculus. This course focuses on the concepts of functions, limits, continuity and differentiation, exploring them in the context of algebraic functions. Prerequisites: none. 

MTH 113: Integrated Calculus IB

Credits 3

The second of a two-semester sequence designed to introduce the ideas and applications of the Differential Calculus. This course focuses on the Differential Calculus of transcendental functions, including exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. The course will introduce integration including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The successful completion of MTH 113 is equivalent to successful completion of Calculus I. 

MTH 120: Calculus I

Credits 4

A comprehensive study of limits, continuity and differentiation of functions of one real variable and their applications. Introduction to integrals. Credit will not be granted for both MTH 113 and MTH 120. Prerequisites: For students in their first two years of college and an ACT mathematics score of 27 or higher. 

MTH 220: Calculus II

Credits 4

A continuation of MTH 120. Techniques and applications of integration. Infinite sequences and series. 

MTH 303: Mathematical Logic

Credits 3

A thorough treatment of the techniques of formal reasoning. Topics include truth-functional logic, quantification logic and construction of correct deductions.

MTH 310: Linear Algebra

Credits 3

The theory and applications of vector spaces, matrix algebra, linear transformations and eigenvalues. 

MTH 320: Multivariable Calculus

Credits 4

A third-semester calculus course. Topics will include vectors and three-dimensional coordinate systems, partial differentiation with applications, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. 

MTH 330: Theory of Numbers

Credits 3

Properties of the integers, the Euclidean Algorithm, divisibility, Diophantine equations, prime numbers, congruences and residues. 

MTH 335: Discrete Mathematics

Credits 3

An introduction to the theory and applications of discrete mathematics. Topics for the course include proof writing, logic, set theory, induction, recursion, combinatorics, relations, functions, and graph theory.

MTH 340: Differential Equations

Credits 3

A study of the techniques and theory of solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Topics may include series solutions, numerical methods, Fourier and Laplace transforms, linearization, stability theory, periodic orbits, and bifurcations and chaos. Prerequisite: MTH 310 or PHY 304. Spring, typically odd-numbered years.

MTH 360: Non-Euclidean Geometry

Credits 3

A college-level approach to Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. The course will pursue an in-depth investigation into the following topics: Hilbert's postulates for Euclidean geometry, the parallel postulates, neutral geometry and non-Euclidean geometry. 

MTH 370: Theory of Probability

Credits 3

Introduction to the mathematical theory of probability. Discrete probability spaces, conditional probability, discrete and continuous random variables, expectations and distributions.

MTH 375: Game Theory

Credits 3

Game theory is the study of the interaction of rational decision makers. This course uses game theory to study incentives and strategic behavior in practical situations of inter-dependent decision making and negotiations. The course will develop basic theoretical concepts in tandem with applications from a variety of areas, including bargaining, competition, and strategic voting. 

MTH 380: Mathematical Modeling

Credits 3

This course serves as an introduction to the formulation, analysis and interpretation of mathematical models in the study of problems in the natural, management and social sciences. Topics may include optimization, dimensional analysis, Markov chains and autonomous systems. The course will require the use of the Eaton Corporation Computer Laboratory and the software packages R, Mathematica, and Matlab. 

MTH 385: Financial Mathematics

Credits 3

A course on mathematical interest theory. Topics discussed will include the time value of money, annuities and cash flows, loans, bonds, the yield rate of an investment, the term structure of interest rates, duration, and immunization. The course may also include topics from financial economics. Offered as needed.

MTH 390: History of Mathematics

Credits 3

A study of the historical development of various branches of mathematics from antiquity through the end of the nineteenth century. Topics include mathematics prior to classical antiquity, mathematics in ancient Greece, Islamic mathematics, the development of symbolic algebra, the invention of the calculus, and the nineteenth century evolution of algebra, geometry, and analysis. The course will emphasize primary source materials. 

MTH 393: Topics in Mathematics

Credits 1 Max Credits 3

An introduction to proof writing, oral presentations, literature research, and computer software applied to mathematics. Offered as needed.

MTH 403: Real Analysis

Credits 3

A rigorous treatment of the calculus of one variable, including limits, continuity, sequences, differentiation and Riemann integrals. This course should be taken in the junior or senior year. 

MTH 405: Complex Analysis

Credits 3

The theory of functions of a single complex variable. Complex numbers, elementary complex functions, differentiation and integration of complex functions, complex series and residue theory.

MTH 406: Numerical Analysis

Credits 3

Numerical methods for approximation of roots, systems of linear equations, interpolation and curve fitting, numerical integration and differentiation, and differential equations. Problems are generally approached through structured algorithms. 

MTH 410: Abstract Algebra

Credits 3

An introduction to the theory of algebraic structures, including the elementary properties of groups, rings and fields. This course should be taken in the junior or senior year. 

MTH 415: Topics in Mathematics

Credits 3
Further study of upper-level mathematics in areas including algebra, analysis, geometry, and dynamical systems. Please consult the Mathematics Department for course descriptions. Prerequisite: Consult instructor. Offered as needed.

MTH 420: Mathematical Statistics

Credits 3

This course serves as a sequel to MTH 370 (Theory of Probability), focusing on the application of concepts introduced in MTH 370 to the theory and practice of statistical inference. Emphasis will be placed both on the mathematical theory underlying the definition and evaluation of various estimators and statistical tests, as well as the application of this theory to the analysis of real-world data sets. 

MTH 425: Topics in Applied Mathematics

Credits 3
Further study of upper-level mathematics in areas of applied mathematics. Please consult the Mathematics Department for course descriptions. Prerequisite: Consult instructor. Offered as needed.

MTH 430: Topology

Credits 3

An introductory course in the fundamental concepts of general topology, including metric spaces, topological spaces, connectedness and compactness. 

MTH 570: Research Seminar

Credits 1

Students will be introduced to contemporary mathematics literature with an emphasis on undergraduate research. Instruction will be given on how to read and write mathematics papers, how to give and receive math talks, what to do at math conferences, how to perform literature searches, and other skills related to the mathematics profession and the practice of mathematics beyond the classroom. 

MTH 575: Honor Thesis

Credits 1 Max Credits 2
Investigation of a mathematical topic, under faculty supervision, leading to the honors thesis option in mathematics or applied mathematics. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Offered as needed.

MTH 597: Special Problems

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
Investigation of special problems under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Offered as needed.

PHY 100: Great Principles of Physics

Credits 3
This physics core class is a three-credit lecture and laboratory course that provides an introduction to some of the great principles of physics. In addition, some major themes will include discussion of the power and limitations of science, the application of physics to everyday life, and various topics in astronomy. Topics in astronomy will include observing the night sky, historical models of the solar system, and the operation of the sun and stars. The course will alternate between a three-lecture week and a two-lecture week with a lab.

PHY 101: College Physics I

Credits 4

An introduction to mechanics and waves. The class has three hours of lecture, two hours of laboratory investigation, and one hour of recitation per week. Recommended for the general student, those who have not taken high school physics, and science students who do not take calculus. Prerequisites: competence in algebra, geometry and trigonometry. (Physics and Chemistry majors, see PHY 201-202.)

PHY 102: College Physics II

Credits 4

An introduction to thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, light, and optics. The class has three hours of lecture, two hours of laboratory investigation, and one hour of recitation per week. Recommended for the general student, those who have not taken high school physics, and science students who do not take calculus. Physics and Chemistry majors, see PHY 201-202.

PHY 110: Meteorology

Credits 3
The behavior of the atmosphere, the factors which influence its behavior, including solar radiation and the earth's rotation, and the effects which this behavior produces. Some topics include atmospheric stability, cloud types and cloud formation, types of precipitation, air masses and fronts, hurricanes and tornados, weather forecasting, weather satellites, and space weather. Students will also become more familiar with issues concerning climate change. Prerequisite: any introductory college physics or chemistry course or good high school background. Offered on demand.

PHY 120: Astronomy

Credits 3
A study of the source of our information about the universe and our concepts of the solar system, the galaxy and the cosmos; the use of light in learning about distant objects. Offered on demand.

PHY 130: Physics of Sound and Music

Credits 3
Beginning with a study of the nature of sound and the vibrating systems which produce sound, the course proceeds to a study of musical instruments, loudspeakers, electronic amplifiers and microphones. Prerequisite: a college physics or chemistry course or high school physics. Offered on demand.

PHY 140: Cosmology

Credits 3
An introduction to modern theories of the structure of matter and energy in the universe, and its evolution from the Big Bang to the present. The course presents an overview of current cosmological theories, the observational evidence relevant to current theories, and emphasizes recent data and observational techniques. The topics covered include a brief history of cosmological ideas, the electromagnetic spectrum, thermal radiation, elementary particles and interactions, the theory of general relativity and evidence supporting it, modern observational techniques, observational evidence for the expansion of the universe, the cosmic microwave background radiation and nucleosynthesis in the early universe. The course stresses concepts and uses no mathematics beyond algebra. Offered on demand.

PHY 201: University Physics I

Credits 4

An introduction to mechanics and waves. There are two hours of laboratory investigation, three hours of lecture, and one recitation per week. Recommended for science and mathematics majors. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 202: University Physics II

Credits 4

An introduction to thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, light and optics are taught in 202. There are two hours of laboratory investigation, three hours of lecture, and one recitation per week. Recommended for science and mathematics majors. 

PHY 303: Theoretical Physics I

Credits 3

An introduction to oscillations, waves, light, and Einstein's relativity, one of the two major advances in physics in the 20th century. Topics include: simple harmonic motion, damped oscillations, forced oscillations and resonance, coupled oscillations and normal modes, standing waves and traveling waves, Fourier analysis, sound, dispersion, electromagnetic waves, polarization, Poynting vector, radiation pressure, the generation of electromagnetic waves, scattering, reflection and refraction, geometrical optics, waveguides, interference, and diffraction. Topics in relativity include the postulates of special relativity; consequences for simultaneity, time dilation, and length contraction; Lorentz transformations; relativistic paradoxes; Minkowsky diagrams; invariants and four vectors; relativistic momentum and energy; particle collisions; relativity and electromagnetisms. Required in the field of concentration. 

PHY 304: Theoretical Physics II

Credits 3

An introduction to modern physics, including the second major advance in physics in the 20th century: Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics is discussed using the Schrodinger Equation. Solutions will give the wave function and energy level quantization of example systems: particles in potential wells, tunneling through barriers, harmonic oscillators, and the hydrogen atom. Discussion will progress to the properties of multi-electron atoms, the periodic table, X-ray spectra, and entanglement. Solids and molecules are discussed including bonding, molecular spectra, crystal structure, energy bands, the nature of metals, semiconductors and insulators, and how semiconductor devices work. We will then proceed to the basics of nuclear physics such as nuclear binding, models of the nucleus, nuclear spin, NMR and MRI, nuclear stability and radiation, radioactive dating, biological effects of radiation, and nuclear fission and fusion. Particle physics discussions will lead to elementary particle properties, particle accelerators, the standard model, and the history of the universe. Mathematical tools needed in upper-level classes are introduced as time allows

PHY 310: Experimental Physics I

Credits 1

Modern physics lab emphasizing experimental techniques. Experiments focus on modern physics and will include blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, atomic spectra, Michelson interferometer, properties of laser light, single-photon detection, double-slit experiment done with single photons, Franck-Hertz experiment, etc. Experimental skills will be emphasized including error analysis, error propagation, least squares curve fitting, and hypothesis testing using the chi-square statistic. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 311: Experimental Physics II

Credits 1

This course will continue work on statistical concepts in data and error analysis, scientific report writing, and measurement procedures. Experiments are chosen from various areas of classical, quantum mechanical, atomic, and solid-state physics, e.g., oscillations, superconductivity, hydrogen atom wavefunctions, quantum control of proton resonance, energy band structure of solids, photoelectric effect, X-ray diffraction, and spectrometry. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 350: Introduction to Computational Physics

Credits 2

Computer techniques and methods to solve physical problems are taught. Students will be introduced to Linux-based computing using the Python programming language. These tools will be employed in the study of problems such as integration techniques, Lissajous figures, Lagrange points, spacecraft trajectories, and N-body simulations. The Python skills acquired will be applicable to scientific computing in any natural science. Examples chosen will reflect the student's background and interests. Offered on demand.

PHY 393: Topics in Physics

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course on special topics in physics that are not normally offered. Specific topics may vary. The course may be taken for credit more than once under different titles.

PHY 410: Electronics

Credits 3

Lectures deal with the understanding, design and use of basic electronic circuits, including passive networks, transducers, current and voltage amplifiers. The fundamentals of transistors, operational amplifiers, digital logic and scientific instrumentation circuits are described. Experimental work covers transistors, current and voltage sources, operational amplifier applications, timers, transducers, digital logic and computer circuits. Emphasis is on using integrated circuits. The course includes two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory work per week. Required in the field of concentration. 

PHY 421: Mechanics

Credits 3

Three-hour course basic to advanced work in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Dealing with both statics and dynamics, Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian formalisms are examined, and concepts necessary to relativity and quantum mechanics are included. Some topics covered are motion with viscous forces and applications of mathematics (i.e., vector analysis and differential equations) 90 to the solution of physical problems.

PHY 422: Mechanics

Credits 3

Three-hour course basic to advanced work in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Dealing with both statics and dynamics, Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian formalisms are examined, and concepts necessary to relativity and quantum mechanics are included. Some topics covered are motion with viscous forces and applications of mathematics (i.e., vector analysis and differential equations) 90 to the solution of physical problems. Offered on demand.

PHY 451: Thermal Physics

Credits 3

A study of thermal and statistical physics incorporating a survey of classical thermodynamics. Topics include a statistical treatment of entropy, temperature, thermal radiation, chemical potential, and Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy. The Boltzmann, Planck and Gibbs distributions as well as ideal, Bose and Fermi gases are considered. Applications are made to metals, semiconductors, superconductors and astrophysics. 

PHY 459: Teaching of Secondary Physics

Credits 1

The course will discuss the basic components of a physics high school course: lecture, demonstrations, laboratories. It will do this amid higher level discussions of what physics actually IS, how physics fits, or can and should fit, into a classical curriculum or curriculum taught at many Barney Charter Schools, and how effectively to make connections to the broader curriculum. Through this course, students will also acquire a set of tools such as lecture outlines, demonstrations, lab equipment lists, reading lists, etc. that they can take and use as a foundation for their future physics course. This course would be for any student who is considering going into science teaching in secondary education. This course fulfils one of the elective requirements for the Classical Education minor. Offered on demand

PHY 460: Electricity and Magnetism

Credits 3

An essential study of electric and magnetic phenomena, with emphasis on the fields in vacuo and in materials. Vector calculus is introduced and then applied throughout. Electrostatics and magnetostatics are developed, with emphasis on Gauss' and Ampere's laws. Induced EMFs and Maxwell's equations conclude this basic course. Required in the field of concentration. 

PHY 470: Advanced Experimental Physics: Mechanics and Light

Credits 1

Advanced laboratory experiments on topics from mechanics and light. Typical experiments include the speed of light, electron spin resonance, charge on the electron (Millikan experiment), driven harmonic motion, measurement of g(reversible pendulum), measurement of G (Cavendish torsional pendulum), Frank-Hertz experiment, optical interference effects in single and multiple slits, Michelson interferometer, Fabry-Perot interferometer, optical filter transmission characteristics, electron diffraction on graphite crystals, photoelectric effect, Schlierens optical system, and optical properties of prisms. (One course chosen from PHY 470, 471, 472 or 480 is required for the major.) 

PHY 471: Advanced Experimental Physics: X-Ray and Nuclear Physics

Credits 1

A state-of-the-art X-ray diffractometer will be used to teach crystallography. The course stresses principles and measurement of atomic crystalline arrangements. Identification and physical properties of metals, inorganics, minerals, etc., will be considered. The second part of the laboratory will use gamma ray spectrometry to measure and identify nuclear isotopes. Principles of nuclear radiation and its detection will be taught. Both the X-ray and nuclear equipment use computer data collection and analysis. Radiation measurement may be studied to a greater extent as an option for those with corresponding career interests. (One course chosen from Physics 470, 471, 472, or 480 is required for the major.) 

PHY 480: Research in Magnetism

Credits 1

This course involves an introduction to the magnetism of metals and alloys and magnetic impurities in these systems. In the first semester, 480, theoretical and experimental ideas in the areas of magnetism, condensed matter physics, low-temperature physics, and vacuum science will be discussed and demonstrated. The class will then carry out an experimental procedure for one alloy.  Research based on the theory and procedures learned in this class may be used for student research by taking PHY 481-3 below or with other arrangements.  This research is supported by an 8-Tesla superconducting magnet, a microbalance (0.1 micrograms), a low-temperature cryostat (3.8-300K), a helium leak detector, and high-vacuum equipment. A machine shop and other departmental equipment support the research. (One course chosen from PHY 470, 471, 472, or 480 is required for the major.)

PHY 481, 482, 483: Research in Magnetism

Credits 1

In PHY 481- 483, the student will begin a series of measurements to contribute to the ongoing faculty-student research project. Four semesters of this work are possible. In addition, the student’s senior thesis may be based on the theory and procedures learned in PHY 480 and the student's further research in this area.
Offered on Demand.

PHY 490: Quantum Mechanics I

Credits 3

The probabilistic theory of particles and their interactions has been very successful since its early forms treated quantization of radiation, electron-photon interactions, and atomic energies (Planck 1901, Einstein 1905, and Bohr 1913). Modern quantum mechanics deal with particles described as wave packets having a range of positions and momenta. This explains both the particle and wave effects observed. These wave packets are solutions of the Schrodinger wave equation and involve both space and time. The formal theory involves finding wave function solutions for harmonic oscillators, the hydrogen atom, and other systems. Physical properties of these systems are extracted from these wave functions using mathematical operators. This course is essential for those planning graduate study in physics or related areas. Required in the field of concentration.

PHY 506: Electrodynamics

Credits 3

Applications of Maxwell's equations to numerous practical situations in electrodynamics, including electromagnetic waves and radiation. The theory of relativity and its relation to classical electricity and magnetism are usually included. Strongly recommended for students who will go on to graduate studies in physics or engineering or who will study undergraduate electrical or electronic engineering. Offered on demand

PHY 507: Nuclear and Atomic Physics

Credits 3

An advanced study of nuclear and atomic physics. Topics will include: relativistic treatment of energy and momentum in nuclear reactions and Compton scattering, nuclear and atomic structure, the nucleonnucleon interaction, nuclear decay, particle accelerators, and nuclear particle detection. Quantum mechanics will be used when appropriate. Prerequisites: (One course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511 or PHY 520 is required for the major.)

PHY 509: Light

Credits 3

Background and theory necessary to understand modern optical devices, instruments, techniques and phenomena. The course begins with a study of the mathematics of waves and important aspects of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. The course uses geometrical optics to understand thin and thick lenses and systems of lenses such as telescopes and microscopes. The wave theory of light is used to study polarization, interference and diffraction. Various types of interferometers are examined, as well as diffraction of multiple slits and gratings. (One course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511, or PHY 520 is required for the major.) 

PHY 511: Quantum Mechanics II

Credits 3

This course continues the study of Quantum Mechanics, building upon the foundations presented in PHY 490, Quantum Mechanics. Topics covered typically include identical particles, degenerate and nondegenerate time independent perturbation theory, the variational principle, the WKB approximation, time dependent perturbation theory, the emission and absorption of radiation, spontaneous emission, and scattering and partial wave analysis. These theories are applied to the fine structure of hydrogen, the Zeeman effect, hyperfine splitting, the ground state of helium, the hydrogen molecule ion and other systems. (One course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511, or PHY 520 is required for the major.) 

PHY 520: Solid State Physics

Credits 3

A study of the properties and physical processes taking place in the solid. This subject draws on all the areas of physics and thus tends to unify knowledge from other courses. The course begins by laying the groundwork in crystal structure, crystal binding energies, crystal diffraction, and the reciprocal lattice. We will then consider the thermal properties of crystals, the free electron gas in metals, Fermi surfaces, energy bands in solids, electron transport, and semiconductor devices. Strongly recommended for those considering graduate school in physics, chemistry, or engineering, or seeking an industrial position in physics or engineering. (The physics major requires one course chosen from PHY 507, 509, 511, or PHY 520.)

PHY 575: Senior Thesis

Credits 1
The defense and writing of the senior thesis based on research work carried on in earlier courses. A senior thesis should examine a narrow area of physics that the student investigates under the supervision of a physics professor. The topic is chosen in the second semester of the junior year, and a proposal is written in consultation with a thesis advisor. PHY 480 or any of the physics professors will help to suggest thesis topics. In the first semester of the senior year, the research is carried out under the course numbers PHY 597 or PHY 481-483. In the second semester of the senior year, the actual writing of the thesis is carried out under PHY 575. Required in the field of concentration after the first semester of the senior year. A public presentation of the thesis is required

PHY 597: Special Problems

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
An elective course involving individual research or work on a special topic under faculty supervision. The course may be taken for credit more than once. Requires permission of the instructor.

PHY 599: Teaching Assistantship

Credits 2
Teaching an introductory laboratory section-e.g., to prepare for a teaching assistantship in graduate school. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.